
God created Man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Name Genesis, Moses
Life800 BC
Isn't it nice to know that you have been created in the image of God? God is powerful. He rules the world. Wouldn't you like to rule, too, at least a bit more than you do right now? Who rules, for instance, at home? How nice, if at least your family treated you like a God! In the genetic garden of mankind, one group of people have been intoxicated by this idea. It is a group of people who always want to fight, compete and win. They must be driven by a very specific combination of "juices", of genes and proteins. Most likely testosterone, the male sex hormone, and adrenaline, the fighting spirit juice, are prominent in the mixture. I have therefore named them "adrenalinomaniacs". Or, sometimes, thinking of a couple of U.S. presidents, as "testosteronomaniacs". That name is not intended only as ridicule. These type of people have been around everywhere and in all ages. We can therefore be sure that in the evolutionary struggle they have been selected because it has been useful. It has been good for survival, for themselves, their families and for the groups to which they belong.In fact,
another name for them is "hero", people like Achilles in old Greece, or Maximilian Kolbe in modern Europe. They represent individuals who have taken great risks and bravely shown a formidable courage in front of certain death. A people, like the Jews of the Egyptian exodus, who have been saved by their adrenalinomaniac heroes, is prone to hero-worship. They look upon their leaders as "images of God". The leaders surely don't mind. The followers then often turn into fanatic fundamentalists, eager to kill their enemies, children of Satan, the Devil. The trouble is that this cannot continue. In the modern world, with atomic, biological and chemical weapons potent enough to annihilate the human species, we must restrain both heroes and hero-worship. Why? Two modern adrenalinomaniacs were called Stalin and Hitler. For millions of communists who hoped for an exodus out of poverty, Stalin was a hero. So was Hitler for his nazi followers, for many dreamt about a liberation from the slavery of unemployment. The fanaticism among their hero-worshippers led to the murder of more than one hundred fellowmen. If you believe too much in man, being created in the image of an all-powerful God, you may turn into a devil. However much the God-image may appeal to your vanity. Is there an alternative? Look at Thales!