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Dear Visitor,

Nov. 13th 2008 with a full moon..

Coming back to Capri from a few days in Rome it is
my very great pleasure to tell you that my excellent
webmaster, Peter Ohgami, has made a new section in
our website for the Philosophical Park, using a map
that was done with very modern space measures by my
friend Harald von Knorring. You will find it in the
website, under “Visit the park” and then “Take a
walk in the park”, or, simply, I hope, by clicking
the line below: 

If you do not know the Park before, let me give you
three of the many comments by those who have visited
the Philosophical Park in the autumn plus one from
an authoritative tourist journal:

“La Pace ed il Panorama sono incantevoli. Grazie
per averlo realizatato.”
(The Peace and the Panorama are enchanting.
Thanks for having realized them.)
  Delio Angelo (?)
Elisabetta, Ilse, Karin + Siggi ask, in German,
“Weisst Du wo der Himmel ist?
Aussen oder innen?
Flieg doch mal nach Capri hin,
da bist Du mitten drinnen.
“Thank you for this wonderful idea! I hope future
generations can appreciate this effort and the
person who helped you in the realization of this
project. I’m a BAHA’I  and I think the future will
be better when persons like you contribute to a
better future for mankind.”
  Jean France Matterin (Fr) (?)
And in DOVE, a leading cultural monthly in Italy,
of August 2008, a special number of the “Grandi
mari d’Italia” we find that it’s reporters also
have walked “la passeggiata della Migliara con il
singolare Parco Filosofico, creato dallo svedese
Gunnar Adler-Karlsson e dalla moglie Marianne,
dedicato alla meditazione. Tra ulivi, lentischi
e mirti spuntano piastrelle di maiolica con i motti
di celebri filosofi del passato.”

Only a few meters further on  “il sentiero della
Migliara conduce al Belvedere del Tuono, uno dei
panorami più struggenti al mondo”, (one of the most
forceful panoramas of the world) “uno strapiombo
da vertigine, aperto da un lato su Punte Carena
con il faro, dall’altro sui Faraglioni e davanti
mare a perdita d’occhio.”


Nov. 9th 2008.

At the end of May I was hopeful enough to believe
that my new book, on The Biological Origin of Evil,
would be published in October. Now, in early November,
both this English and a Swedish edition, Ondskans
biologiska ursprung,  are at the printers. Hopefully,
they will be available on the market in the first
week of December. In 2008.

The English version of the book was sent to the
editor of the publisher, Bokförlaget Arena in Malmö,
Sweden, already in May. The Swedish one, translated
by myself, in August.

On the first page of the first chapter, I contrasted
a world view of Ingmar Bergman with that of Paul
Krugman. I claimed that the former was wiser than the
latter. But, to my great pleasure, Krugman is considered
wise enough to be given the so-called Nobel Prize in
economics. It happened on the 13th of October.

Ingmar Bergman, however, was, for me, still wiser!

In chapter III:7 of the book, on Imperialism – the
scaring side, I had some questions about an extremely
cynical attitude of Alan Greenspan, the head of the
American Central Bank, in the U.S. called the Federal
Reserve. As long as the economy was swelling, he was
considered a fabulously wise guru. I had my doubts.

Now, in the financial disaster taken place, it
amuses me to see that he has to bow down to reality.
On the first page of the International Herald Tribune
on the 24th of October Greenspan even had to admit 
his “fallibility”, but tried, in vain, to excuse
himself by saying he could not have foreseen
a “once-in-a-century credit tsunami.” 

Well, well, those who read my two meditations in
the beginning of this year, on the wisdom of the
economic science, might possibly have done so.
Any common sense should have realized that the
creation of “derivative”-scraps-of-papers to a
value which was about ten times that of the GWP,
the gross world product, was bound to explode.

I am not alone in being sceptic to the economists.
If you want to read why, have a look at the views
of a French natural scientist, Jean-Philippe
Bouchard, writing in what is arguably the world’s
leading scientific weekly, Science, on October
30th 2008, p. 1181, suggesting that "Economics
needs a scientific revolution.”

If you are interested in my book, in English or
Swedish, (turn to Amazon in the first week of
December, I hope) or drop me a line. For the next
three months the best address is to:
Norrtullsgatan 55, SE-113 45 Stockholm, Sweden.

Capri November 9th 2008.
Yours Gunnar

Gunnar Adler-Karlsson, Prof. V.I.
Box 79, IT-80071 Anacapri, Italy